Compensation for Colostomy due to Childbirth Tear
A severe tear to the perineum during vaginal childbirth can cause damage to the anal sphincter. This is the muscles which control the bowel and allow a woman to prevent the uncontrolled passing of wind and faeces. A failure by medical professionals to identify and repair such damage may be regarded as negligent.
Severe birth tear symptoms
A third-degree tear will cause damage to the external anal sphincter muscles and, in the case of a 3c tear, will also damage the internal muscles. A fourth-degree tear will additionally cause damage to the internal lining of the anal canal.
The long-term consequences of such significant damage, unless repaired shortly after its occurrence, can be life-changing, involving the following symptoms:
- Urgency when needing to go to the toilet
- Loss of ability to prevent the passing of wind
- Loss of the ability to prevent the passing of faeces
- Repeated infections of the perineum
- If a fistula or hole develops between the rectum and the vagina as a result of the anal damage, the woman may even experience leakage of wind and faeces from the vagina.
Medical management of perineal tears
If the injury is effectively repaired at the time of the birth, the new mother may be free of bowel symptoms within a year.
If the damage is not diagnosed, however, and no repair takes place, she may suffer on-going symptoms.
Subsequent attempts to rectify her bowel injury may require her to undergo a colostomy to provide an alternative to her natural bowel function.
The practical and emotional impact of such an outcome can be significant, indeed.
If medical professionals carry out a thorough examination following the vaginal birth of a baby and ensure that any necessary damage is competently repaired, such appalling symptoms and outcomes should be avoided.
If medical professionals provide only a substandard level of care, however, the new mother may be left with the shocking outcome already described.
Claiming compensation
If a new mother has been the victim of this type of medical negligence, it may be appropriate to make a claim for the long-term impact of such negligence.
For example, it may not be possible for the woman to return to work. It may be that she has to seek alternative employment as the nature of her bowel problems makes some forms of work impossible. Some women find it almost impossible to work at all with such significant bowel problems.
Talk to a specialist solicitor
If you are struggling with the appalling long-term symptoms of bowel dysfunction due to poor medical care, contact Glynns today to talk to one of our friendly, specialist medical negligence solicitors. It may be appropriate to make a claim for compensation.
Please call us on 0800 234 3300 (or from a mobile 01275 334030) or complete our Online Enquiry Form.