Compensation For Poor Maternity Care of OASIs
A failure by medical professionals to provide an acceptable standard of care of maternal birth injuries may justify a claim for compensation.
What is an OASI?
An OASI is an obstetric anal sphincter injury. In simpler terms, it is an injury which occasionally occurs during vaginal childbirth and which damages the muscles which control bowel movement.
The anal sphincter consists of both internal and external muscles which both prevent and facilitate the passing of wind and faeces. If these muscles become damaged, the ability to control these processes may be impaired or lost altogether.
An OASI is a significant injury. Thankfully, the majority of women who suffer perineal injury during vaginal childbirth only experience damage to the perineum up but not including the anus. Such injuries usually recover quickly and fully.
A severe injury, also referred to as 3rd or 4th degree tears, however, need prompt diagnosis and a skilled repair by a surgeon in an operating theatre.
Maternity Care of OASI
So what constitutes negligent or substandard care of an obstetric anal sphincter injury?
The guidelines of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists, and their recent OASI Care Bundle recommendations, state the need for all women who have undergone vaginal childbirth to be examined thoroughly including a digital rectal examination. This should ensure that any injury is identified and correctly diagnosed.
A failure of examination of a misdiagnosis may be regarded as substandard care and, if the new mother suffers long-term and debilitating symptoms as a consequence, it may be appropriate to make a claim for compensation.
Claiming compensation
The appalling symptoms which can be associated with an unrepaired OASI such as wind and faecal incontinence can cause distressing and life-changing problems. It may mean that the new mother is unable to return to her previous form of employment or may even struggle to work at all. Her income may suffer as a result.
A successful compensation claim would take account of the financial losses suffered as a consequence of the poor-quality maternity care and may make it easier to deal with the physical, emotional and financial difficulties encountered.
Speak to a solicitor
It is important to remember that there is a three year limit from the date of the negligence to the initiation of a claim for compensation for medical negligence.
If you or a loved one are struggling with the impact of negligent care of an OASI, contact Glynns Solicitors today to talk to a specialist medical negligence solicitor about the suitability of making a claim.
Please call us on 0800 234 3300 (or from a mobile 01275 334030) or complete our Online Enquiry Form.