Claiming Compensation for 3rd Degree Tear Negligence
A 3rd degree tear is a severe form of perineal tear which can occur during vaginal childbirth. If medical care of a 3rd degree tear is considered to be substandard, it may be appropriate to make a claim for compensation which can help the new mother to cope with her bowel difficulties.
Why does a 3rd degree tear matter?
Third and fourth degree tears are described as 'severe' tears because they damage the anal sphincter muscles. These are the muscles, both external and internal, that control the passing of wind and faeces. If these muscles are damaged, the woman can lose control of her bowel and became partially or completely incontinent. The physical and emotional impact of such damage can be both debilitating and distressing.
Negligence and 3rd degree tears
A third degree tear is not, in itself, necessarily a sign of medical negligence. They are a risk of vaginal childbirth, especially in a woman who is giving birth for the first time or who needs instrumental assistance such as forceps. However, they require prompt and competent medical care if the woman affected is to receive a thorough repair and retain her bowel control.
Negligence can occur, however, in the way in which a third degree tear is dealt with by medical professionals.
- It is essential that any anal sphincter damage is diagnosed shortly after the birth. This will give the new mother the best chance of long-term bowel control. If a severe tear is misdiagnosed, such as being identified as a 2nd degree tear instead, the woman is unlikely to receive the necessary surgical repair. A failure to examine and a failure to diagnose may be regarded as negligent.
- If the severe tear is accurately diagnosed but receives a poor-quality repair, the new mother may continue to suffer on-going bowel difficulties.
Delayed surgery for a severe tear may be less likely to achieve a positive outcome and so prompt action is important.
Claiming compensation
If you have suffered a 3rd degree tear which has not been promptly diagnosed and effectively repaired, you are probably facing difficulties with bowel control causing practical, emotional and employment issues.
A successful compensation claim can help you to address these issues.
Contact Glynns Solicitors, specialists in medical negligence compensation, to talk to a solicitor with experience in supporting claims for birth tear negligence.
Contact us today to speak to one of our team.
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