Bowel Disability and Compensation for Birth Tear Medical Negligence
Bowel disability can turn a woman's life upside down. If this appalling outcome is due to negligent maternity care, it may be possible to claim compensation.
The shock of anal birth tear symptoms
For a new mother trying to cope with the demands of her baby, loss of bowel control can be absolutely devastating. The practical complications, the loss of self-confidence, the impact on her ability to work, to socialise and even to leave her home can be completely life-changing.
Bowel disability or dysfunction following childbirth is shocking and, if this distressing circumstance has been caused by negligent maternity care, it may be appropriate to make a claim for compensation.
A successful compensation claim can help the new mother to cope with some of the many consequences of her physical disability. As well as recognising that she has suffered due to negligent care, a successful claim will also incorporate the financial losses which have been caused by the negligence. This can be both wide-ranging and significant. For example, if a woman is unable to work, or restricted in the type of work she can carry out or the hours she can realistically manage, due to her bowel symptoms, a claim would include her loss of income in so far as it has been caused by negligent care.
The physical problems which can result from a severe perineal and anal tear during vaginal childbirth can be extreme including the following:
- Loss of ability to prevent the passing of wind
- Loss of ability to prevent the passing of faeces
- Leakage of wind or faeces from the vagina if a rectovaginal fistula has developed
- Perineal infections and discomfort
- The need for a stoma to be fitted
Negligent maternity care and severe birth tears
A severe tear is one which extends beyond the woman's perineum and damages her anal sphincter, the muscles which control the bowel movements. Competent maternity care is crucial to the identification and accurate diagnosis of these appalling injuries.
Negligent care may include a failure to carry out a thorough examination of a woman following a vaginal birth as well as a failure to diagnose or a misdiagnosis of a severe tear.
If you suspect that you have been the victim of negligent maternity care, causing you to suffer disabling symptoms, speak to a legal specialist.
Glynns Solicitors
Here at Glynns we speak to the victims of negligent maternity care on a daily basis. As specialists in medical negligence law, we understand the devastating impact these injuries can cause and can support you to make a claim for negligence, achieving the best possible settlement.
Please call us on 0800 234 3300 (or from a mobile 01275 334030) or complete our Online Enquiry Form.